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Oxygen and fluorine are the two most electronegative elements and are the only ones in which the high energy barrier to moving a electron out of its stable configuration in a xenon atom.

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2mo ago

Xenon is a noble gas, which means it is generally unreactive. However, it can form compounds with oxygen and fluorine because they are highly electronegative elements that can pull electrons away from xenon, allowing it to bond. Other elements are typically less electronegative and cannot effectively form compounds with xenon.

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Q: Why does xenon reacts with only oxygen and fluorine but not other elements?
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No, fluorine is more reactive than helium. Helium is a noble gas and is considered to be inert, meaning it does not readily form compounds with other elements. Fluorine, on the other hand, is a highly reactive nonmetal that readily reacts with many other elements.

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Fluorine is more reactive than both oxygen and neon. Fluorine is the most reactive non-metal element and readily forms compounds with other elements due to its high electronegativity. Oxygen is moderately reactive, while neon is chemically inert and does not readily form compounds.

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Fluorine and oxygen are the most chemically reactive nonmetals. Fluorine is the most reactive nonmetal, readily reacting with almost all other elements, while oxygen is highly reactive and forms compounds with most elements in the periodic table.

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