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Best advice I can give you is to see your doctor. This should not be happening. I'm guessing that your son is not circumcised. There could be a number of things going on. See your doctor - asap.

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Q: Why does your 5 year old have painful erections?
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Is it normal for a 5 year old to get erections during the day?

Yes, it is normal for a 5 year old to get erections during the day. It is even normal for baby boys and toddlers to get erections.

Why does your five year old boy stop having erections for three days yet he used to have daily?

You get a doctor to check that out because 5 year old boys should not be having erections for 3 days

Is it abnormal for a 5 year old boy to not have erections?

It may be possible that he's having them without your noticing. Five year olds are aware of their body parts and if they change, they may become embarassed and try to hide it. At his young age, I wouldn't worry about it. It shouldn't be an issue until he becomes a teenager. Then, if he can't get erections, I would worry.

What age can dogs have erections?

Dogs can have erections at any age. But very few have them before 5 months.

Would you write 5-year-old or 5 year olds?

You can use either "5 years old" or "5-year-old" ex. Brian is 5 years old. ex. Brian is a 5-year-old.

How much should a 12 year old weigh who is 5 foot?

A 5 foot tall 12 year old's healthy weight should be about 100 lbs. There should be a little extra "chubby" look to a child as they need room for growth spurts to avoid stretch marks and avoid painful stretching.

Is 5 5 short for a 14 year old?

No, 5 ft 5 inches is not short at all for a 14 year old.

What is the normal IQ for 5 year old?

The normal IQ for a 5 year old should be no different to that of an adult. The test would simply be adjusted to suit a 5 year old.

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no you can't date a girl that is 5 years old

What do you call a 5 year old?

I would call a 5 year old a kindergartener. 2-3 year olds are toddlers.

Can a eleven year old and a 5 year old share a room?

In most states a 11 year old and a five year old can share a room, even if they are not the same sex. However, the 11 year old may not enjoy having to share a room with a 5 year old.

Did beyonce have a 5 year old?

well yes she adopted one so yes she did have a 5 year old