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he is most conferable with his feeder. my budgie does the same with his bells because it is his favourite toy also sometimes if you watch them mate with something in/ outside the cage they will be embarrassed

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Q: Why does your budgie want to mate with his feeder?
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Does my budgie need a box in its cage?

Only if you want them to mate. It would help the female during the process of incubation.

How old does a male budgie have to be to mate?

30 fo corse

If you put 1 female and 1 male budgie together will thay hurt each other?

The answer is to avoid doing this. If you put a male budgie and a female budgie together, they will mate.

Can a budgie and a regent parakeet mate?

I don't think so, but because they live in different areas.

What do you do when you have a new girl budgie and a 1 year old boy budgie?

well it depends on how old the new femal is. If he and her are the same age then they are suitable to mate but if she is very young, lets say a month - two months then keep them away from each other , we wouldn't want the fighting now would we. Budgies can learn to live together quite easily but it takes some time espacialy if the male you speak of has bonded to you. If you do not know the age of ur new budgie look at her head and if it is fully striped from the cere"the nostrils" back that's means she is 4 months or older. if it is a solid color and/ or fluffy than she is older and can mate

Should i get a budgie how much would it cost for everything including a budgie?

when we got our budgie it costed about $250-$300 but it's worth it because you want your budgie to enjoy it's life and live it healthy.

How much food should I give my budgie?

Please answer! I might get a budgie and I want to know how much food I should feed it.

How can you stop your parakeet from throwing up seeds to his toys?

I think this budgie loves his toys too much. Birds usually only throw up food from their crop to feed either their mates or their chicks. Or he may be sick. It sounds as if your budgie thinks it's toys are it's mate, so I think the best thing to do would be to remove them. If your budgie continues this behavior, you might want to take him to the vet's to get him/her checked out.

When is the mating season for budgie parakeets?

budgies and parakeets dont mate they do not need a male to lay an egg so the answer is no season

What's a reliable automatic pet feeder?

The Perfect Pet Feeder is a safe, reliable, and clean way.There is also the Ergo 8 Day Auto Pet Feeder, Walmart also carries reliable automatic pet feeders, the PerfectPetFeeder Luxe is also reliable, and the Pet Mate C50 Automatic Pet Feeder is also reliable.

What is the french for budgie?

La Perruche ondulée The literal translation is "wavy parakeet."

My budgie is in love with her mirror since shes the only budgie in a small cage but should i get rid of the mirror a couple of days before i get another budgie and cage or should you just leave it..?

If you want the new bird to bond with it, yes. If not, no.