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Cat owners call that the "cat crazies". It's normal ! Cats typically have one or two times a day (often around 11pm) when they run and chase 'nothing', and climb, jump, play "attack" furniture, etc. You can help reduce the cat's need to release energy in "crazies" if you play in the afternoon with him or her with a "Cat Birdie Toy" or something to chase, and tire the cat a little.

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11y ago
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15y ago

If your cat has gone crazy she/he might be nervous. There might be something outside your house that scares it. Or some foods can make your cat go crazeir more than normal. It could also just be your cats personality.

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12y ago

No, that's jut your cat. Maybe you should get his eyes tested

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Q: Why does your cat run through the house and try to climb door frames?
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