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When you sleep your oil glands become more active or the area in which you sleep is slightly warmer

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Q: Why does your face get greasy after you sleep?
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Does a greasy face cause pimples?

Yes Because a greasy face can clog pours forming pimples

How do you get rid of a greasy face?

wash it.

Why is your face greasy?

You just pick up grease and oil when you sleep, it is just a common thing and it happens to pretty much everyone, just wash your face in the morning with a normal cleanser and you should be fine! I hope this helped! x

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its because your noses is leting out oil in your face

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well if you dont wash your face your skin will become greasy, so try some face wash and if that dont work then see a doctor

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Yes Hypotension often causes excessive sleep. Excessive sleep often causes puffiness of the face.

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They do sleep on their sides because if they slept face down or face up they would suffocate

Why do 10 year olds get pimples?

I think 10 years old get pimples because they eat to much greasy stuff and touch their face to much. Try not to touch your face when your hands are dirty and don't eat that much greasy stuff. Maybe that will work. I'm 10 and my doctor said that's why

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You may want to use matte foundation if your face gets oily, greasy or shiny easily.

Is Pond's The Caring Classic Dry Skin Cream greesy?

It has a non-greasy feeling to it and leaves the face moisturized and clear.