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If our bodies didn't have femurs our body couldn't support all the weight we have.

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Q: Why does your femur bone need to be so large?
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What bone is your femur?

Your thigh bone, the longest bone in your body

What system includes the femur?

The femur is a bone so it is part of the skeletal system. The femur is the biggest leg bone. It takes 260 pounds of force to break it.

What tissues are in a femur?

Femur is a type of Bone.And bones have Connective tissue to build up themselves. Hence Femur contains connective tissue

Is a fermur bone bigger than your thigh bone?

The Femur is your Thigh they are the same size.

What is the largest bone in a monkey?

Well I cant seem to find it on Google, but Monkeys are very similar to humans. The thigh bone or femur is the largest bone in human body. So my guess, Femur Bone.

Can you walk witchout a femur bone?

I dont think so?

How many bones articulate with femur and patella?

The femur articulates with the patella, tibia, and OS coxae (hip bone). And the patella articulates with the femur only. So in all, not counting the femur and patella, two.

What is the longest strongest bone in a human skeleton?

The longest bone: Femur bone(from hip joint to Knee), and as far as i know strongest part of body is enamel of teeth in the jaw. so u can consider it as strongest bone the longest and strongest bone in the body is the leg bone ! from your knee to your ankle i no most people would think the spine is the longest but it isn't i chekkD ! ! biie :P the longest and strongest bone in the body is the leg bone ! from your knee to your ankle i no most people would think the spine is the longest but it isn't i chekkD ! ! biie :P

What part of the femur articulates with the pelvic bone?

One side of the pubis articulates interiorly with the other side of the pubis, joining at the pubic symphysis. Posteriorly it articulates with the sacrum, the Acetabulum proximally articulates with Femur bone. So therefore there are three articulation points for the pelvic girdle.

What is the largest bone in a dog body?

well i think it is the femur like human is. i really do not know but like i said i think it is the femur like every other human is. if the largest bone is something else in a human body you are SO weird. Or maybe even not a human maybe you are a robot or something because your largest bone is not anything else but the femur in a human body. Like i said i just do not know if the largest bone in a dog body is the femur

What large bone do?

you won't need to wait like this way but not so much is there.

What landmarks would you use to measure a femur and tibia?

The femur extends from the hip to the patella. So measure from your hip to the knee. The tibia extends from the patella to the ankle. So measure from the knee to the "ankle bone".