

Why does your guinea pig squeal when you open a bag?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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the guinea pig squeals because it thinks food is in it.

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Q: Why does your guinea pig squeal when you open a bag?
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Will your guinea pig squeal when its hungry?

Yes. They will learn the sound their food box or bag makes and will squeal when this sound is heard. When they hear the sound of the bag it triggers the brain

How do you make a pig stop screaming?

I don't have a guinea pig but i have information on them: Guinea pigs usually make sounds wen they are happy,scared, need some attention, and hungry. They need a lot of attention .Try using these answers for your guinea pig. Thanks :)

What does squeal mean?

It means to make a noise that a Guinea pig makes. Or even more, the noise that a pig pig makes.

Is it true that guinea pigs got their pig name from the squeal?

no, it is not true. they got their name because guinea pigs are originally from Guinea which is in Europe somewhere.

What would excite a guinea pig?

Well my guinea pigs know that the ruffle of a bag like potatoe chips or something makes them squeal loudly because that sounds like the bad of food so they get excited thinking its feding time

Are guinea pigs man made?

In England they were sold for a guinea and they can sometimes squeal like pigs

How can you tell if your guinea pig has tics?

it will scratch itself with its foot all the time and will squeal loudly and throb its body

What signs will you see when a guinea pig is shocked?

U will see the guinea pigs heart racing up and down.They might squeal it depends if u are handling it lots

My guinea pig do not feel good?

my guinea pig do not feel good i left the window open and i was cold in my home

What do you do if your guinea pig ate part of a plastic bag?

take it to the vet immediatly!

Can you handle baby guinea pigs while they are nursing?

It will scare them but you can hold them. Also if away from the mom they will squeal loudly and they can be with the male and if you can hold a baby and the dad guinea pig together they will get along.

What noises does a pig make?

Oink or squeal.*snort snort* *oink oink*