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Kittens will purr when happy or to comfort themselves.

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12y ago
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14y ago

Yes, all cats purr, some just do it more or less.

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14y ago

NOT AT ALL! Cats don't always purr, but they do in certain situations. Don't worry.

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13y ago

Yes sometimes a cat will purr if it's sick.

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16y ago

the happy ones do.

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12y ago

Purring is instinctual.

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Q: Do cats purr all the time without petting them?
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Do cats purr when in pain?

Yes, they purr when they are happy, and comfortable. Most cats purr when they're comfortable, whether they're napping, laying in your lap or are enjoying the petting you're doing. Some people may get scared when cats purr, if they don't know what's going on. But the cat is only comfortable and isn't posing a threat. A purr is never a bad thing. ---------- Cats will also purr when in distress or pain, and in females as a signal to its kittens.

Do cats purr when they are not happy or angry?

They purr to show that they are happy and content. They may also purr when they are sick, scared, or in pain. Some people believe it is a self calming action.

How do you make a cat purr?

Cats are a lovely pet creature. The main reason what makes them purr is, when cats purr they are actually trying to communicate. Cats also purr when especially people pet them. Cats also purr when eating. It is believed according to research that female cats purr when they give birth. Some nursing cats also purr as a means to communicate with their kittens. When cats try to communicate with people, they purr in order to show some affection and try to extend friendship. Research also has proved that other than this, cats when they are in a bad condition such as when they are hurt or are about to die, they do this purring noise in order to signal us about their condition. It should be known that when cats purr, it is also a signal that they are telling us they aren't a threat.

Is it normal for your cat never to purr but suddenly start purring a lot even if its spayed?

Cats purr for many reasons. They purr when they are content or relaxed, they purr when they are in pain, they purr while eating and female cats sometimes purr while giving birth. Both male and female cats purr. My neutered male cat purrs almost every time I pick him up. If the cat is spayed, obviously pregnancy isn't an issue. If she acts differently in other ways you might take her to the vet to be checked out but otherwise I think the purring is OK.

Do cats purr when they are depressed?

Yes, actually they can purr when they are depressed, sick, or hurt. Some people think it's soothing for them - their mothers purred to them when they were kittens, and yes, they do purr when they're happy. See the Related Links for a good article about it.

How do you get your male cat to purr?

It really depends on the type of cat and their personality etc. The mood as well. If a cat is angry with another cat, what will it do? - hiss and snarl. It can purr for affection to another cat.

How did the use cats back then in the olden times?

In olden time (I'm assuming you mean the early settling times) cats were used to catch mice and rodents around the house. Plus, the kids probably loved petting them. I love my kitty! Also, cats are still used to catch rodents today!

Why is a cat always meowing and purring?

Cats actually don't always meow. In the wild, kittens mew, but adult cats generally don't vocalize much. Meowing in domestic cats is probably what scientists call neotenous behavior ... kittens mew to get their mother's attention, and domestic adult cats meow to get attention from their surrogate parents (that is, humans). A cat meowing probably wants something: food, water, "let's play a game", "clean my litter box", or something like that.Nobody is quite sure why (or even how) cats purr. One theory is that mother cats purr so that the kittens (who are born essentially blind) know where the mother is, and adult cats keep that because purring reminds them of a time when mother was near, so felt safe and cared for. It's known that severely injured cats will sometimes purr, and some people think this is to help them calm themselves.

How are cats lovable?

Some love to be held (albeit for short periods of time) and will begin to purr when petted. One of our two rolls over onto his back when we get home ... both also 'nudge' us with their heads as a sign of affection.

When does a lamb become a sheep?

A lamb becomes a sheep when it reaches the age of 12 months.

Is it true that cats don't meow in the wild?

Not quite. That is as close as an English speaker can render the more common noise that a cat makes, but each language has its own way of showing that sound; in Spanish, for instance, it is generally shown as "miao" or something similar. Cats will also "mew", making a more constricted sound; purr; purr and mew or meow at the same time; and yowl.

How do cats feel when they purr?

A kitten's paws are really soft most of the time and their fur is silky unless they played in the dirt, mud, litter box, or anything else dirty