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Quite often a male guppy will nip at the female if she is pregnant; this can stress the female and make her ill.
You can place the female in a birthing cage early on if this is a problem, but pay extra attention to the cleaning of the birthing cage daily.

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14y ago

The guppy knows the goldfish should not be in there with it. Goldfish are coldwater fish and need to be kept below 70F. Guppies are tropical fish and need to be kept above 70F.

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Q: Why does the Guppy keeps biting my goldfish?
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What is bigger a guppy or goldfish?

goldfish The largest goldfish is hundreds of times larger than the largest guppy.

Does a guppy and a goldfish reproduce in the same manner?

No, a guppy is a livebearing fish, and a goldfish is egg laying.

Why is your goldfish biting other fish bum?

One goldfish chasing (or in this case biting) another fishes rear is how goldfish flirt, however this could also be a display of aggression towards the other fish.

Do goldfish or guppy breed faster?

A female guppy can produce up to 1,000 fish in a year if everything is perfect. A female goldfish can produce several thousand ova (say around 10,000) in one spawning.

What is a fish that starts with G?

goldfish guppy grouper great white shark

Guppy eat goldfish?

Guppies don't get large enought to eat goldfish. They will eat anything they can fit in their mouth. The goldfish might eat your guppies though.-Melchisedek

Can goldfish live with guppy and catfish?

Goldfishes and guppies should be kept in a different tank....

What are some fish that begin with the letter G?

Goldfish begins with a G. Grouper Guppy

Do goldfish eat tiger salamanders in natural ponds?

No. It is much more likely that the salamanders will be biting chunks out of the goldfish.

Fancy guppies and goldfish share the tank?

Yes they can, I have a guppy (amongst other fish) with 4 goldfish together and they are very happily living together :)

Can a goldfish live with a guppy?

if the tank has a filter than yes but if it doesn't it cant live with out one.

Will 2 Guppy's be eaten by a goldfish?

The goldfish should never be in the same tank as guppies. Goldfish are coldwater fish and need to be kept below 70F. Guppies are tropical fish and need to be kept above 70F.