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Q: Why does your stomach hurt after eating if you have waited too long to eat?
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Why does oatmeal cause your stomach to hurt?

As long as you're not eating too much, it shouldn't make your stomach hurt. Oatmeal helps your bowels move. Maybe you're feeling some cramping due to that. You should ask you doctor.

Could not eating for a long time upset your stomach?

No, not eating is very healthy for you - not eating for a long time can DEFINITELY upset your stomach because you can get ulcer. - hope this helps:))

How long till dog's stomach is empty after eating?

dog empties while eating

Does dying of starvation hurt?

Your stomach may feel hungry for a very long time, but when you actually die, no, it doesn't hurt.

If you stop eating how long will it take for your stomach to srink?

It will slowly shrink after several days to a week, which will give you the ability to begin eating less; thus allow your stomach to further shrink

What are the effects of eating bricks?

barfing, having a full stomach, or taking long dumps

Can your dog get ill from eating feecies?

Your dog won't get ill from eating it, but if they do it over a long period of time they can develop stomach problems.

Why does it hurt when your stomach growls?

Just thinking about food sends signals to your digestive organs to prepare them for a meal. These signals not only step up the intensity and frequency of contractions by the stomach and intestines - they also stimulate them to secrete digestive juices. Even if there's no food your stomach is still working if you're thinking about eating!

First time workingout in a long time why did your stomach hurt?

Your muscles weren't used to it and you grew some

How long does the food stay in stomach?

If your asking how long does food stay in your stomach before digesting is 4-6 hours. Depending on if your active after eating or not.

How long after eating food or drinking alcohol will you know if that specific thing upset your stomach?

after 20 minutes

How long does it take for your stomach to be empty after eating?

It takes about two hours for every full meal you digest.