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If you are not getting enough oxygen, you will get light headed and black out.

Keep breathing during stretches.

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Q: Why does your vision black out and you get light headed when you stretch?
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The cells in the retina of the eye that detect light are called what?

The cells in the retina of the eye that detect light are called photoreceptors. There are two types of photoreceptors: rods, which are responsible for vision in low light conditions, and cones, which are responsible for color vision and visual acuity in bright light.

Is light headed a hyphenated word?

Light-Headed is a hyphenated word.

What are rod shaped and cone shaped cells?

The rods are extremely sensitive to light and are responsible for black and white vision, while the cones are responsible for colour vision.

What will happen if your drunk?

This certainly depends, you could black out, become light-headed or dizzy, and possibly need to be rushed to the hospital.

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if you are light headed and dizzy, water would be a good thing!!!!!

Night vision technology I want to give presentation on this topic. So tell me everything about this technology.?

"Night Vision" technology is actually called light amplification technology. If it is pitch black and light is completely absent it will be pitch black in the goggles. The ratings on specific devices are different, but no matter what they all require some kind of light source.

What houses light sensitive cells?

Aside from eyes, which contain rods for black and white vision and coves for color vision, the light receptors are filled with an pigment/enzyme called rhodopsin, which is light sensitive somewhat in the manner of chlorophyll.

Are the rods in the eye important in the function of color vision?

No. They respond to light intensity, creating a silhouette black and white effect in low light.

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Does black panther have night vision?

No, black panthers do not have night vision. They rely on their strong sense of hearing and acute sense of smell to navigate and hunt in low light conditions. Their distinctive black coloration helps them blend into the darkness, making them more effective hunters at night.

What is the part of the eye that contains light receptors?

Cells in the the retina called cones (for colour perception and in greatest numbers in the macula) and rods (for black and white).