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This cannot happen because the gravitatonal forces of the Sun, Earth, and other planets make it so that we are held in perpetual orbit around the Sun. An unexpected disruption of this gravitational norm, like a blasck hole for example, is the only thing that could knock us out of our orbit.

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The centripital force of the earth and the attractive force of the sun is equal and the earth will stay in orbit as long as it keeps moving and it will.

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Q: Why doesent earth simply fall into the sun?
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it doesent orbit the earth it orbits the sun.

Why doesnt earth just simply fall into the sun?

The Sun's gravity pulls the Earth towards the Sun but the Earth is also carried forward in its orbit by its momentum. Although the Earth curves towards the Sun continuously, it never falls in. The reason was discovered by Isaac Newton.

Why does the Sun rise and fall?

The rising and setting of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars is simply a reflection of the rotation of planet Earth.The rising and setting of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars is simply a reflection of the rotation of planet Earth.The rising and setting of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars is simply a reflection of the rotation of planet Earth.The rising and setting of the Sun, the Moon, and the stars is simply a reflection of the rotation of planet Earth.

Can sun fall into the earth?

No, the sun is too bug to fall into the earth. The sun has used up approximately half of its life. In another 4 billion years or so, the sun will expand to become a red giant. When it does, the earth will be swallowed up by the sun.

What is an example of an object that is in free fall?

The earth. Because it is in orbit around the sun, the earth is technically in free-fall. The moon is in free-fall around the earth for the same reason. A better way to think of it might be this: The sun is pulling on the earth, pulling earth straight into the sun. The earth is moving perpendicular to the direction of that pull at exactly the speed needed to stay about 93 million miles away from the sun. Earth ----------->Pull-----> SUN | | V Direction of travel Because of this, earth will fall in an ellipse around the sun unless some other force acts on earth. Hence, Earth is in free-fall.

How many planets are between the earth and the sun?

Two, Mercury and Venus.2, mercury and venus

Do fall the sun into the earth?

The Sun cannot 'fall' because it is too massive. The Earth is much smaller (1/100 of the diameter) and it is in an orbit controlled by the Sun's gravity. The Earth's forward speed stops it falling into the Sun, and the gravity only causes the Earth's path to bend continuously towards the Sun.

Why doesn't earth simply fall into the sum?

Gravity is caused by mass, so objects with more mass, such as planets and stars, exert a lot of gravity. The earth and everything on it is constantly falling towards the sun because of the sun's immense gravity. Because of this sideways momentum, the earth is continually falling towards the sun and missing it.

Is it possible for earth to fall?

no. gravity causes objects to fall. So unless the sun(earth's source of gravity) moves, then earth will not "drop"

What if the Earth moves away from the sun?

It depends on which direction and at what speed. If quick enough (and it would have to be very quick) Earth might be lucky enough to fall into orbit around another sun. Otherwise, it would simply become a frozen waste with no life forms.

How much farther is the sun from earth than the moon from earth?

Find the distance from the earth to the moon, then the the distance from the earth to the sun, and simply subtract the both.