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Q: Why doesn't NASA send a satellite to the super-earth?
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What was the name of the first satellite NASA send to mars?

Mariner 4

Do nasa still send animals to space?

no, nasa doesnt send anyone to space anymore for the moment. the last rocket was launched for a while. its like nasa is on contemperary hold..

What happens to a satellite if its engine is dead?

well it would just float in space and NASA would have to send a rocket up to fix it

When did nasa send a rover up to Saturn?

NASA never send a rover to Saturn, because there is no solid landing surface. However, NASA did send the Galileo and Cassini-Huygens probes to Saturn.

Why would a satellite orbit Mars?

Maybe because a Space Agency like NASA decided to send one there to explore, and they wanted an aerial view instead of one from the surface.

Did NASA send voyagers 1 and 2 into space?

Yes, NASA did send both probes into space but they were launched at different dates.

What year will nasa send humans on mars?

i think that maybe only nasa knows that

Where does NASA send out spaceships?

The NASA launches it's Space Ship at the NASA launch station in Tapas, Florida, USA.

Is Orbit Send With Satellite?

The orbit helps the satellite go into orbit.

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Where did NASA send ranger1 to a mission?
