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It is a very stable element and one of the so called noble gasses.

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Q: Why doesn't argon react with other elements?
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Is hydrogen argon sodium nitrogen oxygen or clorine least likely to react with other elements?

Argon is the least likely in the list to react with other elements, because argon is a noble gas and none of the other elements in the list is.

Why is argon least likely to react with other elements?

Argon is chemically inert due to the presence of completely filled orbitals. So it is does not react with other elements at STP.

What does argon react with?

The element argon is a noble or inert gas. As such, it doesn't want to react with any other elements.

Is argon less likely to react with other elements?

No, not compared with neon.

How did argon get its name?

Argon comes from the Greek word Argo, meaning lazy because Argon doesn't easily react with other elements.

What are the chemical properties of argon?

Argon is chemically inert due to the presence of completely filled orbitals. It does not react with other elements.

Does Argon react with any elements?

It can react with Hydrogen, Litium and some unknown elements.

Why is argon unlikely to react with potassium?

Argon is a noble gas. It has completely filled valence orbitals, is stable and hence chemically inert and doesnot react with other elements.

What element doesn't react with other elements?

Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon

What element is gas at room temperature is denser than helium and does not easily react with other elements?

Neon and argon are two other gases that are denser than helium and do not react easily with other elements.

Does oxygen react with argon?

Argon dose not react with oxygen, reason be argon is a noble gas and dose not react with any other element.

What happens when oxygen reacts with argon?

Oxygen does not react with Argon. Argon is an inert gas, meaning it does not react with other things.