

Why doesn't blood rust inside your body?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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Because blood doesn't rust.

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Q: Why doesn't blood rust inside your body?
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If iron rusts outside our body why doesn't it rust in our blood?

Actually, it does. Rust refers to the oxidation of iron, and the hemoglobin of blood oxidizes and carries oxygen to all the other parts of the body in a complicated molecular process.

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no because Ebonite is rubber. Rubber doesnt rust.

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The iron in blood exists in bound form (it forms part of haemoglobin), so the oxygen cannot oxidise it and form rust.

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it doesnt look pretty

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Rust? it indeed has a smell! it smells like blood.

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aluminum doesnt rust. it oxidises so needs oxygen from any source

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car radiators used to be made of copper, copper doesnt rust. most radiators are now made from aluminum.aluminum also does no rust

Why is the blood received by the right atrium dark red?

It is returning from the body's tissues and lower is oxygen. Oxygen causes the blood to be red like rust. The lower the amount of oxygen the less red the blood is.

What is body oxidants in plain English?

As you might know, there is iron in blood (makes it red - just like rust) Oxidation is another word for rust. Iron in or blood cells gets into larger cells and causes them to 'rust'. The cell dies and another one has to take its place, but the body cant keep up sometimes (for complex reasons) that's why its a good idea to take anti-oxidants (certain vitamins).