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Q: Why doesn't milk stain teeth?
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Can milk stain your teeth?

No, it can however leave a layer on your teeth causing them to feel weird, all milk does though is strengthen them, keeping them gives you protein and makes your bones stronger.proitein is 1 of the 7 newtrients

Does amoxicillin stain your teeth?

Amoxicillin does not stain your teeth. Tetracycline group of antibiotics do stain your teeth. So they are contraindicated in pregnancy and for children below eight years of age.

Does discharge stain?

no it doesnt.

If your gums bleed can that stain your teeth?

Absolutely not!!!! Blood cannot stain your teeth!!! I'm a dental hygienist!

What can coffee do your teeth?

Stain them.

What is one name for the teeth you have as a child?

milk teeth Deciduous teeth. Reborner teeth. Baby teeth. Temporary teeth. Primary teeth. In Asia: Fall teeth. In Europe: Milk teeth.

Does bakingsoda stain your teeth?


How does beverages stain teeth?


Will soda pop hurt or stain your teeth?

yes but not hurt your teeth

Why does water not stain teeth?

Because it has flouride in it. That makes teeth stronger.

Does dark soda stain teeth?

Yes, just like coffee and tea, cola and other "dark sodas" can stain your teeth. Carmel coloring and sugar rots teeth too.

Does water stain white teeth?

no, but your stupidity might. Actually, that was not an appropriate answe up there so no because water has no ingredients that can stain your teeth. actually some water can stain teeth my mom and both of my aunts grew up drinking well water and it stained their teeth a brownish yellow.