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Penicillin kills susceptible bacteria by interfering with the bacterial cell wall. Since fungi don't have a cell wall, penicillin can't eliminate fungal infection.

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Q: Why doesn't penicillin kill fungal disease?
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Fleming discovered that penicillin was a mould that could kill certain types of bacteria that caused disease. The Use of penicillin did not begin until the 1940s when Howard Florey and Ernst Chain made a powder form of penicillin

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Penicillin cannot kill intestinal parasites or insects.

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No. Penicillin only kills bacteria.

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Yes, penicillin is often prescribed for gum and tooth infections.

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to kill any infection that could possibly infect you during the procedure.

Does Ambien contain penicillin?

It shouldn't, ambien is for sleep, penicillin is for infections. unless you're putting the infection to bed before you kill them, then no, no penicillin in ambien.

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