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The smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder closes.

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the smooth muscle sphincter at the base of the urinary bladder closes.

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Q: Why doesn't semen enter the urinary bladder during ejaculation?
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The kidneys and urinary bladder are organs of the?

urinary system. The kidneys filter waste and excess fluid from the blood to produce urine, while the urinary bladder stores urine until it is ready to be expelled from the body through the urethra during urination.

What is the purpose of intermittent catheterization?

Diagnostic evaluation, urinary retention, bladder distention, or obstruction, during labor or during abdominal surgery, instilling medication, monitoring urinary output.

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because it conveys semen during ejaculation

What is Stress urinary incontinence?

It is the uncontrollable leakage of urine when pressure is put on the bladder during sneezing, coughing, laughing, or exercising

Does the urethra pass through the prostate to cut off the urine during ejaculation?

No. Muscles at the base of the bladder contract in order to close off the passageway from the bladder into the urethra, the tube through which urine and semen leave the body.

Is the urethra part of the urinary system?

It is both. The urethra is part of the urinary system. It is the tube that goes from the urinary bladder to the outside of your body Its also part of the reproductive system in males. It carries sperm and semen from the prostate gland to the vagina during sexual intercourse.

Where is the location of the prostate gland and the functions of prostatic fluid?

The gland is located at the base of the urinary bladder. The fluid is added to the semen during sex.

Is urinary bladder is least likely to be damaged in an automobile accident?

That is unlikely. Your urinary bladder is just as at risk as the rest of your abdominal organs during an automobile accident. However, due to its muscular structure, it may be able to recover quicker, though I am unsure of the regenerative rates of muscles vs organ tissues.

What does the word cystoscope mean?

A cystoscope is a medical instrument used during a cystoscopy. It is inserted into the urethra to help exam the lining of the urinary bladder and urethra.

Signs of bladder cancer?

The most common symptom of bladder cancer is blood or blood clots in the urine. Other signs are pain during urination, urinating small amounts frequently, and frequent urinary tract infections.

Why pull out method is not safe?

Because semen leaks from the penis (pre cum) during sex before ejaculation. Therefore the pull out method doesnt work.

What is the function of the urethra in a cat?

The prostatic portion of the urethra collects seminal fluids from the prostate during ejaculation as well as providing a duct through which urine and semen can be eliminated from the body.