

Why doesn't sound travel on an asteroid?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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One cannot hear sound on an asteroid since it has no atmosphere, but sound can travel though an asteroid's surface.

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Why can't sound travel on an asteroid?

sound cant travel on an asteroid because it has no atmosphere. it could travel through it.

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Well, lets start here. Sound is a frequency that your eardrums detect as vibrations. those vibrations are then sent to your brain though electricity in your nerves. Once they reach ur brain they are processed as sound. a form of matter is necessary for sound to travel. If you didnt know, sound doesnt travel through outer space since there is no matter, it is a vaccuum. Sound is caused by motion or collision, or by a release of energy. Hope this helped :)

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I have that same camera and it doesnt have sound you would think it does but it doesnt. Sorry.

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The sound not travel through vacuum because sound need a medium to travel.

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Sound requires a medium to travel

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Sound needs a medium through which to travel. It will not travel in a vacuum.

Why cant sound travel on the moon?

Sound can travel on the moon because there is no atmosphere. Space is a vacuum that does not allow sound to travel.