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Popular vote counts. It is used to choose the electors who elect the President.

Since the electors are chosen on a state by state basis, the total popular vote does not matter., but the popular vote from each state counts.

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14y ago

The problem with popular vote for president is that far more tombstones vote in Chicago than people live there. New York was a little better. Less than 3,000 dead people in New York voted. In New York City, Tammany Hall and not the government, runs the elections. For a Republican to win the Mayorship of New York City, far more people must vote Republican than live people and dead people vote Democrat. With the Electoral College system of electing a President, fraud stops at state lines.

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11y ago

The Founding Fathers of the USA (I presume you are asking about that country), back in the late 18th century, did not trust the masses. To vote when the Constitution was first ratified, you had to be white, male, over 21, and own real estate. Senators weren't even elected by popular vote, but by state legislators. These rules have been modified by the 12th, 15th, 17th, 19th, 20th, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, and 26th amendments. Constitutional amendments have been proposed to abolish the electoral college and establish a popular vote for president of the US, but never passed by congress. It is difficult to amend the Constitution; it requires a 2/3 vote of both houses of congress and ratification by 3/4 of the state legislatures (there are alternate methods but hardly ever used), according to Article 5 of the Constitution. It is almost impossible to get a 2/3 vote in the Senate for such an amendment, because small states are protected by the electoral college and every state has two senators.

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because if he/she was voted on by popular we wouldnt know exactly if they are good for the job to get things done.

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13y ago

The procedure agreed to by the states when they joined the union is not a direct popular vote.

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11y ago

The reason why is they only count the votes from the electoral college. Your vote does not necessarily matter.

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12y ago

The framers of the Constitution decided on an indirect method and the first states ratified it with that idea in place.

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Electors are elected by popular vote but the president is elected by the electoral college. A president candidate can win the popular vote and still not win if he doesn't win the electoral college.

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The president of the United States is elected by electoral vote.

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No US president was elected unanimously by popular vote. The only president elected unanimously by the electoral college was George Washington (There was no popular vote in this election).

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