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Q: Why doesn't the speaker name the dead friend in break break break?
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Why doesn't the speaker name the dead friend in the poem 'Break Break Break'?

The speaker doesn't name the dead friend in the poem "Break, Break, Break" to emphasize the universal theme of grief and loss. By keeping the friend unnamed, the poem becomes more relatable to anyone who has experienced the pain of losing a loved one. It allows readers to insert their own experiences of loss into the poem.

When was Speaker of the Dead created?

Speaker of the Dead was created on 2011-02-15.

How many pages are in Speaker for the Dead?

Speaker for the Dead by Orson Scott Card has 382 pages.

Who is the speaker in In Flanders Field?

The speaker of flanders field is "the dead" in line 6 it says "we the dead" as if speaking to the reader.

What does speaker for the dead have to do with Ender's Game?

"Speaker for the Dead" is the sequel to "Ender's Game" in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Saga. It continues the story of Ender Wiggin as he assumes the role of a Speaker for the Dead, seeking to understand and honor the lives of those who have passed away. The themes of empathy, understanding, and redemption that were introduced in "Ender's Game" are further developed in "Speaker for the Dead."

When was Dead Friend created?

Dead Friend was created on 2004-06-18.

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no it doesnt i have it and it works

Who wrote the Speaker for the Dead?

Orson Scott Card

What is one characteristic of a dead thing?

It doesnt move

Does lusitania colony rebel in speaker for the dead?

Read the book.

Who replaces the vice-president if dead?

The speaker of the house (of representatives).

What was the cause of death for les brown the motivational speaker?

he is not dead