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While the species itself is sensitive to penicillin, suffering significant reduction in population, the tetanus toxoid produced during bacterial metabolism is the causative agent of tetanus. Definitive treatment requires the administration of tetanus immune globulin to isolate and prevent the toxin from working within the body.

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Q: Why doesn't penicillin cure the disease tetanus?
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Penicillin is effective for some infectious diseases, like strep throat and syphilis. It does not cure most infectious diseases.

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Penicillin is NOT effective against gram positive and negative cocci and gram positive bacilli only. it is not effective against rest of the organisms.

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The cure for syphilis in the early stages is a single injection of penicillin. Later stages require more complex treatment.

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Penicillin is mainly used for treating infections, STDs, and diseases spread from animals. A particular disease it has been successful in is Meningitis. Also cellulitis, gonorrhea, and syphilis.Penicillin is a mold that destroys bacteria. It will not cure a disease unless it is bacteria driven.

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Penicillin cannot kill intestinal parasites or insects.