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The Sun's core is not yet hot enough, or under enough pressure, for helium fusion.

Which is probably just as well, since when helium fusion begins, the Sun will swell into a red giant which will incinerate the Earth.

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Q: Why doesnt the helium curently in the suns core under go fusion?
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What is the product of a fusion reaction with the sun?

In the sun the product of the nuclear fusion is light energy and heat energy. It also created helium from the isotopes deuterium and tritium.

What kind of energy does the sun take in?

The sun can be described as a nuclear fusion reactor - converting hydrogen into helium under intense heat and pressure.

How do you create a hydrogen bomb?

A hydrogen bomb is a nuclear fusion weapon, and it is powered by the energy release of hydrogen when it is fused into helium. Only under extreme conditions can hydrogen be fused into helium. Helium fusion is, after all, the power source behind the operation of most stars, at least for a large part of their lives. Our sun is but a single example. To create the required energy density to initiate fusion, a fission weapon must be built "around" the fusion elements. This will drive them (the fusion elements) together and initiate fusion, with the resultant release of a massive amount of energy in an extremely short period of time. Use the links to related questions.

What temperature does hydrogen turn into helium?

10 million degrees with a football field worth of hydrogen under a lot of pressure the process is called nuclear fusion

Which kind of process supplies the energy for the stars?

The process that supplies the energy for the stars is nuclear fusion. Nuclear fusion is a process in which atomic nuclei combine to form a heavier nucleus, releasing a large amount of energy in the process. In stars, the fusion of hydrogen atoms into helium is the primary source of energy. Under the intense heat and pressure of a star's core, hydrogen atoms are fused together to form helium, releasing a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat. This process is what allows stars to shine and provides the energy necessary to sustain life on Earth.

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He lives under your bed and is curently whatching you stalker

Why is the sun hotter than earth?

The Sun is hotter because it is made of hydrogen under high temperature and pressures that is being slowly converted to helium in a nuclear fusion process.

What reaction creates much of the energy given off by the sun?

Hydrogen fusion. The hydrogen atoms in the core of the sun are under such intense pressure that they combine to form helium and energy.

Does fusion occur when hydrogen atoms join together?

Helium fusion is a process that happens as a part of what is called stellar nucleosynthesis. That's a term we apply to the mechanisms working within stars. Stars are fusion engines, and they are powered primarily by fusing the element hydrogen into the element helium (the first and second most abundant elements in the universe, respectively). This process sometimes goes under the name proton-proton reaction. As stars exhaust their hydrogen fuel and build up a lot of helium, they begin to fuse the helium together to form the element carbon in what is called the triple-alpha process. Links are provided to the relevant Wikipedia articles. Our friends there provide knowledge for free.

What occurs in nuclear fusion in the sun?

Under extreme pressure and gravitational forces, hydrogen atoms are forced together to create helium. The result is that the excess energy is released in the form of radiation (heat and light)

What process that create energy in stars?

The energy in stars is created when hydrogren plasma, under extreme pressure and temperature, fuses to make helium plasma. The difference in mass between hydrogren and helium is also a difference in binding energy, which is released during the ongoing fusion reaction.

What does hydrogen helium make?

Hydrogen and Helium are the first two in the table of elements. Both have several isotopes, but only one stable one each. In our Sun (and most other stars) the fusion of Hydrogen to Helium is the process that gives us our light and heat.