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Chickens do not have nipples because they don't suckle their young. When a chick is hatched, it automatically begins eating chicken feed. It does not take milk from it's mother.

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Q: Why don't chicken breasts have nipples?
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Why aren't my nipples formed all the way?

Well it depends. If you have gotten your period. But if you are 10 dont worry much about it. If you are 11-15 by now you your breasts should be popping out. I wouldnt worry to much about them if you are 11-13 . But dont worry. As your breasts grow so will your nipples.

Why are your nipples sore to touch but not your breasts?

Because your nipples are small and the breasts are larger with less nerve endings spread out

What does it mean if you have scratches on your nipples and you are young?

Well, just so you know, NOTHING is wrong with your nipples. if they are itchy, then it means your breasts and nipples are developing. some people have itchy nipples and some others dont. its nothing to be worried about. im a doctor. i KNOW what im talkin about.

When your pregnant does your whole breast hurt or just your nipple M y nipples are very sore but breasts are fine?

It varies for each person - sometimes breasts and nipples, sometimes just nipples and sometimes just breasts

How do you play with breasts what do you do with them?

you suck on the nipples and squeeze them gently

How many chicken breasts are equals to 2 rotisserie chickens?

The amount of chicken breasts that are equal to 2 rotisserie chicken would depend on the size of the breasts and chickens. An estimated guess would be about 8 chicken breasts.

Can you play with big nipples?

Absolutely. Nurse the woman clean, Then sing while clapping and tapping on her breasts and nipples with your fingers and hands. David Wesson. :)

What does it mean if you have small nipples?

Somebody told me that if you have small nipples when you are younger the chances are that you will have larger breasts when you are older and your nipples will too enlarge

Do bigger nipples mean bigger breasts?


Could slight cramping bellow the belly button and sore nipples be a sign of fibroid?

I dOn't know but I have just been diagnosed with Uterine fibroids and I have had sore nipples / breasts in and off for weeks! I thought I was pregnant but dont appear to be.

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Do babies have breasts?

All babies are born with nipples. They do not have boobs.