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Chloroplasts are for autotrophs. Hetrotrophs get C from others.chloroplasts capture light energy.Heterotrophs get energy from chemicals mainly

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Q: Why don't heterotrophs have chloroplast?
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What organism would not have a chloroplast?

Heterotrophs do not have. Also prokaariyotes lack chloroplasts

Which kingdom contains multicellular heterotrophs that are usually motile lack cell walls and chloroplast?

its animalia

Do animal have chloroplast in them?

no they dont have.

What organelle do plants have and animals dont?


Does a human cell have chloroplast?

no. they dont use photosynthesis

Why don't animals have chloraplast?

animals dont possess chloroplast as they depend on others for food. they dont prepare their own food by photosynthesis.....exception-euglena a protozoan has chloroplast ..

If the animal cell had chloroplast it would still have it same color?

no animal cells dont have chloroplast, chloroplast is only in plant cells and turns the color of the plant green.

Does a human have a chloroplast?

no they dont cuz humans are made up of animal cells, and chloroplast are in plant cells so no. Frenchy

Animals are heterotrophs. How might this have contributed to such great animal diversity?

i dont really know

What enters the chloroplast?

It not my fault you dont pay attention in science class!

Animals are not able to make sugar because they dont have what organelle?

A chloroplast.

Are zebras autotrophs or heterotrophs?
