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Q: Why don't knots slip when we pull them together?
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What is a slip-not comb for?

A slip-not comb is just a normal comb or brush for an animal, usually a dog or a horse. The slip-not comb is just to release knots in the fur or mane.

What is the best knot to start with for knitting?

Slip knot is the preferred knot. Just wrap the yarn around two fingers and pull the yarn that connects to the ball through the two fingers and pull until it knots. It may take some practice but then you are able to cast on.

How do you slip drugs to a girl?

You dont!

How do you make a tie out of animal rubber bracelets?

that would be really cool! try doing a bunch of slip knots i gueuss

How do you replace the fuel pump on a Dodge caravan 1996?

You have to drop the tank and pull the slip ring and pull it out

What is a 'Square Knot Splice'?

The 'square knot splice' appears to be a square knot when finished, but actually joins two lengths of rope together. This knot is NOT recommended for heavy lifting or hauling, as is may slip if not secured with subsequent knots above and below.

What stitch do you use to crochet square motifs together?

I like to use a long slip stitch so it doesn't pull .. put right sides together facing each each other so the wrong side is facing you and catch just the inside bars of each piece .. and using a slip stitch .. slip stitch them together.. important when you slip stitch make sure to pull up on it a bit so it lays flat and doesn't pucker .. you will see what I mean by trying it rather quickly .. on the right side this will look like these pieces were woven together .. another way we used to do it was on the right side picking up the inside bar only one side of the bar of each piece actually single crochet them together.. this gives you an actually ridge which stand out on top but it did look nice on many afghans

What is the use of slip joint pliers?

Slip joint pliers are common tools in the workshop typically used to pull things that are stuck.

What are the advantages of a gear?

they dont slip even if they have broken teeth

When you go caving why do you have to wear boots?

So you dont slip.

Why do shoes need friction?

coz if they dont you will slip over :)

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so that you dont slip and fall