

Why don't male kangaroos also have the pouch?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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10y ago

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Only the female kangaroo has a pouch, and this is because the male takes no part at all in rearing the young joey. Only the female is able to provide the developing joey with he nutrition it needs to survive. The female is the one that produces the baby and that feeds it with milk in the pouch.

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Q: Why don't male kangaroos also have the pouch?
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Are female kangaroos the only ones with a pouch?

Yes. female kangaroos and other marsupials are the only ones with a pouch. The exception to this was the now-extinct Thylacine (Tasmanian tiger): the male Thylacine had a pouch to protect his reproductive parts when he went running through the dense bushland.

Do male kangaroos have pouches?

No, only the female. The pouch is where the tiny young kangaroo crawls to develop further, attached to a teat. Only female kangaroos have pouches just as only female mammals have a uterus. The sole purpose of the pouch is to give the underdeveloped baby a safe place to grow and feed until it is old enough to live independently of its mother.

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Yes, female Wallabies have a pouch called the marsupium, just like most Marsupials. (male Wallabies do not have a pouch.)

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Unlike other kangaroos, the male tree kangaroo does not have any particular name. It is not referred to as a buck or boomer. It is just a male tree kangaroo.

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Seahorses are a type of fish, marsupials are a type of mammal, they are not the same and one can't pertain to each other's species. They have one thing in common, though, the pouch male seahorses carry in their abdomen are similar to the pouches marsupials such as kangaroos have, but in the case of marsupials, the pouch is carried by the females.

Do male kangaroos have nipples?

Of course they do! They are live born mammals!

Do fish have pouches?

The male sea horse has a small pouch near his tail. The female sea horse deposits her eggs, up to 200 at one time, in the male's pouch, which is then sealed with a sticky secretion. The male carries around the eggs with him for about 45 days. Also the Opossum shrimp

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No. Think about it ..........

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