

Why don't neocube magnets repel?

Updated: 10/15/2022
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11y ago

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ok, not exactly a techie, but I do know my stuff. in short, they do repel. every magnet has to sides, a south and a north, like sides repel,oppositesattract, blablabla, you learned all of this a long time ago. well, a neocube's magnets are no different: each magnet has a south and a north, just like any other self respecting magnet. when put together in a cube (or any other shape, for that matter) all of the spheres have their south poles on one side, and the north poles on the other. the cube itself will form one large magnet as it were, having both a south pole and a north pole, dictated by theorientationof the mini spheres. this also means that if you were to take two assembled neocubes and bring their like sides near each other, they would repel. if you brought theiroppositesides close, then they would yank together and smash into a giant crumpled mess.

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Can magnets also repel metal?

No, magnets cannot repel metal. To repel something with a magnet it would have to have a magnetic field.

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Magnets attract or repel other magnets thanks to something called the magnetic force.

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What is a neocube?

The neocube is like no other entertainment device in the world. It is composed of 216 individual high-energy rare-earth magnets, the NeoCube allows you to create and recreate an outrageous number of shapes and patterns. Your NeoCube will provide you with hours and hours of unequaled entertainment! The NeoCube Alpha is perfect for gaming, expression, stress relief, dual hemispherical brain stimulation and much more. The neocube is literally a puzzle with billions of solutions

What type of metals does a magnet repel?

Usually magnets attract any iron based metals. Magnets usually only attract or repel other magnets

Why do magnets that are alike repel?

Two alike magnets repel because of the way that the magnetic force flows from each Pole.

Can people see magnets repel?

Yes, people can see magnets repel because apparently, the just won't connect

Which poles are together when magnets repel?

when the magnets repel they have the same poles facing each other. Like if you hold two north side pole together they will repel.

Do magnets attract or repel in vacuum?

Vacuum has no effect on the actions of magnets.

Do magnets with the same poles repel?

Yes, they repel when the same poles are together.

Do magnets repel non magnetic materials not including electro-magnets?

of course not.