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Q: Why don't stationary waves transfer energy?
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Electromagnetic waves dont carry any matter what do they carry?

Electromagnetic waves carry energy, not matter.

Why do trees transfer energy into the earth?

they dont they give oxygen

Why does not all gravitational potential energy transfer to kinetic energy as the mass falls?

i dont knwo

If transverse waves dont move how do transverse waves transfer light from one place to another?

Of course it moves. The whole idea of a "wave" is that it moves.

How can we maximise the rate of energy transfer to keep things cool?

we dont.

What is the exact temperature for radio waves?

radio waves dont have a temperature because they are comprised of energy and photons, not ordinary matter

What Movement of the faults produces which kind of energy waves?

the waves caused by an earthquake are called seismic waves

What is a repeating disturbance that transfers energy through matter or space?

i dont know ask ur science teacher

Is transfer of energy from an iron to shirt an example of conduction?

i dont know is ironing a shirt conduction

How is the energy from waves used?

to make sure the jelly rolls on bryan's stomach are stable and dont kill us all

What happens to energy when it is NOT passed from one trophic level to another?

I dont think the energy can't transfer it will probably be consumed by a scavenger or be chemically borken down by a decomposer.

How does waves manifest?

they dont