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Chauncey Kihn

Lvl 13
2y ago
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6y ago

Wind is caused by air flowing from high pressure to low pressure Since the Earth is rotating, however, the air does not flow directly from high to low pressure, but it is deflected to the right (in the Northern Hemisphere; to the left in the Southern Hemisphere), so that the wind flows around the high and low pressure areas. This effect of the wind "feeling the Earth turn underneath it" is important for very large and long-lived pressure systems. For small, short-lived systems (such as in the cold outflow of a thunderstorm) the wind will flow directly from high pressure to low pressure. ~i acctually got this answer from Yahoo answers "WHAT CAUSES WIND?" hope it helps :-) Adra :-)link :;_ylt=Aje52sVJ.isZgFGM.Drr3CYjzKIX;_ylv=3?qid=20070307160808AAtx4Do

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15y ago

Because of Geographical abnormalities i.e: Trees, mountains, Hills, etc. Also, if you read up on the theory of the butterfly effect, it only takes a small movement at a given point to make a huge change at further off point 'b'. Such as a stone dropped in a pond. Small ripples near the stone become huge as they move away. Simillarly, a birds wings flapping, acar moving, a person waving his hand, a plane flying..all these magnify and cause disturbances in the atmosphere, which in turn force the breeze to change paths continually. Besides, wind rushes to points of low pressure, which also affect direction as low pressure points keep changing location.

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11y ago

because of the polar force that came from the north and south pole... the north has an downward force while south exerts an upward force therefore the movement of air become east to west.

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4y ago

The rotation of the earth curves them to the left and right

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Q: Why don't winds blow directly north and south?
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Planetary winds are any winds that occur because of solar radiation. They are in direct correlation to the rotation of the earth. Planetary winds do not blow directly north or south.

Do global winds blow west to east?

Global winds blow North to South

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North of the 30th parallel, prevailing winds blow from the south-west. South of the 30th parallel, prevailing winds blow from the north-east.

Winds that blow from north and south poles?


What direction do south winds come from?

South winds come from the south, or in other words, they blow in a direction from south to north.

Winds that blow from the North and South poles?

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Where on earth do the winds always blow from the South?

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What winds that blow from the North and South Poles?

Polar Easterlies

Do trade winds go north to south?

No. In the Northern Hemisphere, the trade winds blow Northeast and in the Southern Hemisphere they blow Southeast

Why does north winds blow to the southwest?

North winds blowing to the southwest is not a typical occurrence. Winds generally move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. If north winds are blowing to the southwest, it could be due to local topography or weather patterns causing a deviation from the usual wind direction.

What Direction do Egypt winds blow?

In Egypt, the prevailing winds typically blow from the north to the northeast. These winds are known as the "northerly winds" or "khamsin," and they are warm and dry, often bringing sand and dust from the desert. During different seasons, winds from other directions can also affect the country's climate and weather patterns.