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I'm guessing this question stems from the fact that water conducts electricity well. This is actually a misconception. Pure water does not conduct electricity at all. It is only the impurities in water that conduct electricity. Even if it did conduct electricity, there would still be no shock because it only conducts electricity, not generates it. If there is no generator, there is no electricity.

The other possibility is that this question comes from the fact that water is a polar molecule and is attracted by a magnet. Again, polar molecules have nothing to do with electricity. It has more to do with intermolecular forces (viscosity, surface tension, etc.).

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15y ago
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2w ago

Pure water is a poor conductor of electricity because it does not contain ions required for current flow. Without impurities or dissolved ions, pure water does not allow for the movement of electrons necessary to create an electric current, thus preventing electric shocks.

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14y ago

Water in a chemically pure form is only a weak conductor of electricity, but if any salts are dissolved in water, the water becomes an excellent conductor. Hence, if you are in water, and there is some dissolved salt, the water becomes an electrical connection to any wiring that is in the same water. And since human sweat contains salt, chances are the water will have some salt in it.

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14y ago

There are many ways humans can be electrocuted. The amperage does not have to be large as per the following.

Milliamps are dangerous, 1 amp equals 1000 mA.

Less than 1/2 milliamp no sensation

1/2 to 2 milliamps Threshold of perception

2 to 10 milliamps muscular contraction

5 to 25 milliamps painful shock (may not be able to let go)

Over 25 milliamps Could be violent muscular contraction

50 to 100 milliamps Ventricular fibrillation

over 100 paralysis of breathing.

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13y ago

the water will conduct electricity. it is dangerous to receive a electric shock in any medium which conducts electricity.

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12y ago

Because it's an extremely efficient conductor of electricity

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10y ago

because u r so sexy

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13y ago

Yes you can

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Q: Why don't you get an electric shock from pure water?
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Why pure water is a good insulator?

Pure water is a good insulator because it is a poor conductor of electricity due to its low ion concentration. The lack of free ions makes it difficult for electric current to flow through water, reducing the risk of electrical shock. The high resistance of pure water to the flow of electricity makes it an effective insulator for electrical applications.

Does electricity travel through water?

Yes, electricity does travel through water because it contains ions that can conduct electrical current. However, pure water is a poor conductor of electricity, while impurities in the water can increase its conductivity. Using water to conduct electricity can be dangerous and lead to electric shock or short circuits.

Does an electric current travel through water?

Yes, electric currents can travel through water because it contains charged particles such as ions that can conduct electricity. However, pure water is a poor conductor of electricity compared to water with impurities or dissolved ions.

Why a person get electric current when he touch electric pole during rain?

When a person touches an electric pole during rain, the moisture on their skin acts as a conductor for the electric current. Rainwater can increase the conductivity of the pole, making it easier for the current to flow through the person to the ground. This can result in an electric shock.

Is pure water is a good or bad conductor of electricity?

Pure water is a poor conductor of electricity because it contains very few ions that can carry electric charge. However, if water has impurities or dissolved ions, it can conduct electricity to some extent.

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How do you get pure electric dragon?

first you breed pure eletric dragon and legendary dragon i dont know if it is gonna happen.

Why pure water is a good insulator?

Pure water is a good insulator because it is a poor conductor of electricity due to its low ion concentration. The lack of free ions makes it difficult for electric current to flow through water, reducing the risk of electrical shock. The high resistance of pure water to the flow of electricity makes it an effective insulator for electrical applications.

If pure water is poor conductor of electricity then why there are more chances of getting shock with wet hands?

While pure water is not a good conductor of electricity, the impurities and minerals present in tap water can increase its conductivity. When water comes in contact with electricity, such as from an electrical device, the minerals and impurities can carry the current and increase the chances of getting shocked when touching it with wet hands. Additionally, wet skin provides less resistance to electric current, making it easier for electricity to flow through the body and cause a shock.

What is the weakness of cool fire in Dragon City?

electric and water and pure fire

Does electricity travel through water?

Yes, electricity does travel through water because it contains ions that can conduct electrical current. However, pure water is a poor conductor of electricity, while impurities in the water can increase its conductivity. Using water to conduct electricity can be dangerous and lead to electric shock or short circuits.

What weakens water type Pokemon?

Pure water types are weakened by grass and electric-type moves

How do you get the pure dragons?

you get pure dragons with puutting the pure dragon first and then the other (terra,flame,sea,plant,electric,ice ,metal or dark).But dont forget about the fact the dragons must be same level .

How do you get pure dragons?

you get pure dragons with puutting the pure dragon first and then the other (terra,flame,sea,plant,electric,ice ,metal or dark).But dont forget about the fact the dragons must be same level .

When was Pure Electric Honey created?

Pure Electric Honey was created in 1990.

What Pokemon type is supereffective on water?

To a pure water type pokemon, electric type attacks and grass type attacks are super effective.

The weakness of water type Pokemon are?

if it is a pure water type, the main ones are electric, and grass, but if it is water/ground type, only grass

How pure water work as electric insulator?

This happens as there are many sperm cells floating in the pure vaginal water which helps in reproduction venation, as well as in insulation of, and you guessed it right, your Penis!