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Your going about it the wrong way. You have dreams regardlessly, its your ability to remember the dreams or know what they are about. It may seem like you have sleepless dreams but your not really not remembering them. Try methods on improving dreaming. Which i don't know cause i remember all my dreams.

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Q: Why don't you have dreams even though you tried all the common methods to improve your ability to dream?
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Does marijuana stop dreams?

No. Marijuana does not stop dreams, what it stops (rather, hinders) is your ability to remember them. However, if you really enjoy dreaming, there are ways to improve what's called your "Dream recall" ability. Doing this will allow you to remember your dreams much better, whether you are under the influence or not.

Is lucid dreaming more common in males or females?

No, it is very unlikely that gender has any affect on the ability to have lucid dreams.

What are some common types of psychic dreams?

Some common types of psychic dreams are Dreams of Appartitions, Clairaudient Dreams or Clairsentient Dreams. Other types are Premonition of Precognitive Dreams and Telepathic Dreams.

Is the word dreams a common noun?

Yes the word 'dreams' is indeed a common noun

What type of products does the company Common Dreams provide?

There is no such company as Common Dreams. There is a non-profit organisation called Common Dreams, which is an alliance of religious progressives in Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. There is also an American progressive news website called Common Dreams.

Are psychic dreams common?

Psychic dreams are not common. There is no accepted studies that show that dreams can be psychic or can foretell the future but there are many cases where people have claimed that this is true.

Where can a person go online to analyze some common dreams?

There are many places online to learn about the meanings behind common dreams. World of Lucid Dreamin, Dream Moods, Horoscope, About, and Shine all have articles about common dreams.

What are some common types of dreams?

While each person has dreams that are unique to them, there are some common dream themes that most people have during their lifetime. Such dreams include: * Dreams of falling * Dreams of flying * Dreaming of losing your teeth * Chase dreams * Dreams of being naked in a public place

What does it mean to often dream about reaching heights?

The dreams appear to illustrate your ambition to improve yourself.

How did Joseph's ability to interpret dreams help him?

Joseph's ability to interpret dreams helped him gain favour with Pharaoh and rise to a position of power in Egypt. By accurately interpreting dreams about an upcoming famine, Joseph was able to advise Pharaoh on how to prepare for it, ultimately saving countless lives and solidifying his place in Egyptian society.

Does a paralyzed person have normal dreams?

As you know dreams are not a direct manifestation of our experiences nor do they always follow a logical pattern. It is quite common for patients without the ability to walk to have dreams where they are walking. The sensual perceptions in a dream are not the same in a dream as they are while conscious so it is unlikely that their brain accurately reproduces what it feels like to walk in the dream if they have never walked before, but it is impossible to know. The bottom line is that yes, paralyzed people have "normal" dreams.

What is the meaning of winning money?

If you dream of winning money it may mean that you are worried about your finances. Dreams about money are dreams about security and the ability to provide for yourself.