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Q: Why don't you look at the number of loops a solenoid has at a different time then the voltage in the strength of an electromagnet?
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What happens to the strength of an electromagnet when the voltage in the coils of the solenoid is decreased?

The greater the current in the coil, the stronger the magnetic field will grow. Conversely, lowering the battery voltage decreases the current, weakening the field.

Can the strength of an electromagnet be changed by changing the voltage of the Power Source?

Yes. That's really the only way you have of changing thestrength of the electromagnet while it's operating.

What is the highest and lowest voltage of an electromagnet?

The strength of an electromagnetic is determined completely by the current through its coil, and doesn't depend on the voltage across the coil. The voltage will be (current) x (resistance of the coil).

What voltage should be applied to make an electromagnet?

The strength of the electromagnet depends on the magnitude of the current in the coil around it.The voltage required is only what produces the desired current in the coil. Since the coil is nothing butwire, the resistance is quite low, and a relatively small voltage produces a relatively large current.

Is a nine volt solenoid stronger than a three volt solenoid?

There's no set answer to that. The strength of the solenoid isn't decided by the voltage alone, so it'd be entirely possible to build them either way.

Can a electromagnet lift 3kg if so how much current ant voltage should you pass?

It will depend on the voltage of the electromagnet. If it does not have enough voltage, then it cannot life 3kg.

How does the strength of a wooden core electromagnet compare with that of the iron core electromagnet?

Electromagnets consist of wire coiled around a core. The core can be anything from air to a nail or even a pencil. Since electrons flow freely through a conductive core (like a nail), an electromagnet made with a metal core will have a larger magnetic field (and thus be stronger) than an electromagnet with a wooden core. The strength of an electromagnet is related to the number of times the wire is coiled around the core and the distance the wire covers across the core. The more coils wrapped closer together, the stronger an electromagnet will be. The amount of voltage running through the wire also plays a role in an electromagnet's strength. More voltage means more electrons moving through the wire and thus a stronger magnet.

How do you make a electromagnet stronger?

For a simple copper wire around iron nail electromagnet, increasing the number of rounds the copper wire makes around the nail will increase the electromagnet's strength. Also, increasing the voltage applied(adding a battery) will increase the magnetic field.

True or false an electromagnet must include a coil of wire?

A magnetic field is induced by pushing current though a wire; so you could consider a straight wire an electromagnet. Using more coils will strenghten the electromagnet, though, so a straight wire version will be very weak comparitively.

Why do the number of windings around an electromagnet affect the strength of and electromagnet?

This is because an electromagnet gets its magnetic force from the electrons passing through the wire, the more coils there are the more electrons passing through so the more magnetic power. Obviously this only works to an extent since you would need more voltage and so on.

Does the strength of an electromagnet depend on the number of volts passing through the wire or the number of coils of wire wrapped around the iron core?

The strength of an electromagnet depends on: -- The magnitude of the current through the wire. (This depends on the voltage between the ends of the wire.) -- The number of turns of wire in the coil wrapped around the iron core.

What is the average voltage of an electromagnet?

a magnet does not have any voltage, only a magnetic field.