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Because, if we pluck the seeds of cereal plant directly. we may feel difficult to carry each and every seed as it will be more in quantity.

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Q: Why don't you pluck seeds of cereal plants like you pluck fruits from plants?
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What are dried remains of cereal plants called?

Dried remains of cereal plants are called "grains" or "cereal grains." These are the edible fruits or seeds of plants like wheat, rice, corn, and oats, which are harvested and dried for consumption.

What are fruits?

Fruits are the ovaries of flowering plants, and the means by which flowering plants disseminate seeds. Many fruits have developed to propagate by having animals eat them and then deposit the seeds far from the original plant. Humans and many animals depend on fruits as a source of food. Technically, fruit includes bean pods, nuts, seeds, and cereal grains, but for culinary purposes, fruits are eaten for their flesh.

Are fruit the only plants with seeds?

No, there are Gymnospermous plants which bear seeds with out fruits

Could people live on just plants and not animals in the ecosystem?

Yes they are called vegetarians. Eat plants like fruits, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds and so on, with or without dairy products and eggs.

Potato plants produce flowers fruits and seeds Yet they never grow from the seeds why?

Potato plants produce flowers, fruits and seeds. Yet never grow from seeds because potato seeds are very week. They rarely grow into plants. Hope this answer helps you!

Why do fruits produce seeds?

All plants and animals have some form of reproduction whether it be seeds or underground runners, eggs or live birth.

Fruits and seeds are produced by a plants?

yes. angiosperms

Why some plants have flowers?

To produce fruits and seeds

What are plants that produce seeds surrounded by fruits?


Do vascular plants produce seeds and fruit?

All vascular plants do not produce seeds and fruits, only angiosperms can do it.

Do plants make seeds inside fruits?

Yes. These plants are called angiosperms.

Does a fruit have to have seeds to be a fruit?

most fruits do have seeds, but so do all plants, and vegetables