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Legumes "fix" nitrogen in nodules on their roots, so they do not need additional nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

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Q: Why don't legumes need nitrogen-containing fertilizers?
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Why don't legumes need nitrogen-containing fertillizers?

Legumes "fix" nitrogen in nodules on their roots, so they do not need additional nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

Why don't legumes need nitrogen containing fertilizers comment?

They have bacteria growing in their roots that take nitrogen from the air and supply it to the legumes.

Soya beans don't need nitrogen fertilizer?

All the bean family -the legumes- have symbiotic bacteria that live in nodules in the roots. These bacteria have the ability to take nitrogen out of the air and convert it into nitrogen chemicals that the plants can use - they are called nitrogen fixing bacteria-. Legumes therefore do not need added fertilizers to flourish.

Why is nitrogen not added in soil which leguminous plants are grown?

Legumes "fix" nitrogen in nodules on their roots, so they do not need additional nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

What fertilizers do plants need?

An Acidic like gardenia.

Why do fertilizers need to be soluble in water?

So it can disolve into the ground.

Why is nitrogenous fertilizer not added in soil in which leguminous plants are grown?

Because leguminous plants are capable of fixing free nitrogen from the air with help of their root nodules. Thus soil get rich in nitrates in those places where these plants are grown.

Is there a need to apply fertilizers in a tree plantation?

Yes, there is a need for apply fertilizers in a tree plantation.Specifically, fertilizers are needed to get the plantation going. Trees become particularly vulnerable during the first two years of establishment. They also may need to be fertilized during times of extreme environmental stress, such as prolonged drought and stubborn pest attacks.

How much meat do i need?

You don't need any. It's the protein that you need. You can get all the protein you need from vegetables, whole grains, and especially legumes.

Is mineral salts plants good?

All the plants need fertilizers which are salts.

What is fertiliser simple definition?

Fertilizers are inorganic nutrients that plants need to grow.

Do plants need sugar in fertilizers?

No, plants can make their own sugars by photosynthesis. The purpose of fertilizers is to provide elements such as nitrogen which the plant cannot take in from air or water.