

Why don't the god cards have their effects in their texts?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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God Cards are not legal game cards - they have no text because there is no game text to go there.

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Q: Why don't the god cards have their effects in their texts?
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Why don't god cards have their effects in their texts?

The real God cards don't have effects in their text since they are not considered real cards; just promotional.But if you do want their effects, check out these Yugioh Wikia pages:http:/

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The Egyptian God cards in Stardust Accelerator are all protected from magic or trap effects. These cards are extremely rare in the game and can only be obtained through use of WiFi.

Egyptian god cards numbers?

um they dont have any

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If they are the ones with effects(playable), yes

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Their EFFECTS are written on the cards. The classic versions however cannot be used in the first place.

Where to get the egeyptian god cards?

i really dont know because ive been trying to get them to lol :D

What are the yugi-oh god cards abilities?

well there's practicly no effects but the ''cannot be used in duel'' thing at the bottom but

How do you get the God Cards?

you can find the god cards on ebay and amazon

Can you Block Ra's Attack with a trap card?

"The Winged Dragon of Ra" and the rest of the Egyptian God Cards do not have offical rules pertaining to them, but it is generally accepted that Spell, Trap and Monster effects cannot target God Cards. So cards like "Smashing Ground", "Mirror Force" and "Torrential Tribute" would be able to destroy God Cards. "Sakuretsu Armor", "Rageki Break", "Exiled Force" and other cards that target a specific monster would not be able to target a God Card.

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Because they ensure our survival and our connection to God. Learning and obeying these texts are our part of keeping our covenant with God. See also:The texts of JudaismThe covenant

Can you use god cards in a duel?

Players may use the God cards in casual Duels (however, it would be wise if effects were agreed upon prior to the Duel if you are using the tournament-illegal versions). You may NOTuse these cards in officially sponsored Duels or tournaments (tournament-legal versions may be used).

Where do you find the god cards?

you must beat the game and then you have the ability to duel kagemaru for them i dont think it is possible to get slifer ra and obelisk