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Newborn babies don't pass gas because they don't yet have gas-producing bacteria in their intestines.

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Q: Why dont newborn babies pass gas?
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Why newborns get gas?

`what? they shouldnt get gas...they dont drive cars...duhhh they are babies..if you let your baby drive im calling difus.

What can you give your newborn to relieve gas?

yes newborns get gas

Is sniffing gas fumes harmful?

Why are you sniffing gas fumes ;) lol Nahh, but as long as u dont sniff too much but it can make you pass out.

What happens if you dont burp?

your belly will expand most likely because you have gas in it so you are bloating.

When does a fEtus PASS GAS?

it doesnt pass gas at all...

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Can you pass gas on command by telling your body to pass gas?

Perhaps, if you have enough gas in the intestinal tract.

What is enterocolitis?

This is a condition in which parts of intestine undergo necrosis which means death. The condition is more common in premature babies but can occur in full term newborn babies suffering from asphyxia or polycythemia ( blood is thicker than normal). The condition is serious. Some babies may need surgery to remove dead intestinal parts. Xray shows gas within the walls of the intestine.

Why do i get lightheaded when you pass gas?

why you get lightheaded when i pass gas? simply because it smells like a$$!

Why do babies smile?

Babies who smile at a young age usually have gas. They do smile because they are happy but newborns honestly they probably have gas.

Do Germans pass gas?

All humans pass gas - regardless of race, creed or colour !

Do manatees pass gas to help them swim?

No, but they do pass it.