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No, peanut butter is not a remedy for headaches. Though if you have a headache, you should avoid bright lights and loud noises.

Some remedies I found:

  • Closing your eyes while slowly breathing in and out, while pinching the skin between your thumb and index (pointer) finger.
  • Another is to just simply sleep. It usually relieves itself after a good night's sleep (or nap) unless it's really bad.
  • Hydrating yourself always helps.
  • Rub the affected area with slight pressure, constantly, for a few minutes.
  • Cold showers or hot baths
  • Try to relax and think positive thoughts
  • Massage your feet with pressure
  • Eat an apple. The natural sugars in it help your headache go away. This reigns true for all fruits, so you're not just limited to apples.(And peanuts are not a fruit.)
  • Peppermints or honey (even a tea with those extracts in it)
  • A moist hot towl around the neck, forehead or back of the head.
  • Caffinated drinks or Gatorade with Electrolytes in it is good.

And if none of these work, then I suggest seeing a doctor or trying to take Motrin or another over the counter drug specificly for headaches.

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