

Why edible oil floats on water?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Why edible oil floats on water?
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What Oil floats on water because it is denser true or false?

Oil floats on water because water is denser than oil.

Does oil or water have a lower density?

Oil floats on water, and has a lower density.

Which oil sink in water?

No. Oil floats on water because it is less dense than water.

Why does water go straight to bottom when mixed with oil?

Water is heavier than oil. Oil floats on water.

What does 'like oil on water' mean?

water sinks in water, or rather, oil floats on water, and does not mix

Is the density of water more then the density of oil?

Cooking oil has a density of 910 to 930 kilograms per cubic meter or 0.91 to 0.93 grams per cubic centimeter. Therefore it is lighter than water and floats on it.

Does oil create a barrier on top of water?

oil is less dense then water so oil floats on top of water.

How does an oil slick form when an oil tanker springs a leak?

Oil and water do not mix. Oil floats to the surface of the water.

Oil floats on water because its density is what on water?

Type your answer here... the oil has more density

Does oil have a density or water?

Oil and water each have densities. Oil is less dense than water, so it floats above it.

Do cornoil float on water?

Corn oil floats on water. It floats because oil is less dense than water. When one substance is less dense than another it rises to the top.

Does water have greater density than oil?

No, water has more density than oil. If something denser than water(Eg=Iron) is dropped to water, it sinks, while less denser will float. Oil floats on water. Really I've tested it