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Q: Why electric current is 4-20mA DC?
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What is the direction of flow of electric current in an electric current?

DC current

Is car electric current ac or DC?


What electric current has 1 pathway?

DC-Direct Current.

What is the name of an electric current that flows in one direction?

That's a "direct" current.

What is an electric current only going in one direction?


What is DC in electric stand for?

Volts direct current eg battery As opossd to Vac wich is volts altinating current eg mains supply

Which type of electric current is used to start your car?

DC aka direct current

Direct current an electric current flowing in one direction only?

This is known as DC. Direct Current.

What are the two types of current?

If the question is about electric current, then types of currents are alternating current (AC) and direct current (DC).

What is a constant flow of electric charges called?

DC or direct current

What is direct current stand for?

Direct current (DC) is nothing but an electric current flowing only in one direction.

What are the differences between AC power and DC power?

The description AC/DC refers to equipment designed to be operate on either alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC). In alternating current the movement of electric charge periodically reverses direction. In direct current , the flow of electric charge is only in one direction.