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Q: Why electrostatic force between two charges is called central force?
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Electrostatic force between two charges is called central forceWhy?

Electre static force deffrent datween the charger is. Called. Centrol. Force. And why

What is the force between two objects with opposite charges called?

An electric (or electrostatic) attraction.

What causes ions to forn ionic bonds?

Electrostatic attraction between unlike charges, sometimes called a coulombic attraction

What is the force between two charged objects?

Well you mean Coulomb's law, the equivalent of Newton's law for electrostatic?From Wikipedia:The magnitude of the electrostatic force between two point electric charges is directly proportional to the product of the magnitudes of each of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the total distance between the two charges.

What is electrostatic charges?

Charge can also be present on insulators and because these materials do not allow the charge to flow, this is called electrostatic charge

What is a bond that is an electrostatic attraction between atoms of opposite charges?

Ionic bonds

What is the process of the bond between sodium and chlorine called?

The process is called ionic bonding. In the case of sodium and chlorine, sodium ions (Na+), and chloride ions (Cl-), form an electrostatic attraction due to their opposite charges. This electrostatic attraction is called an ionic bond.

What is the force of attraction between the nuclei of atoms and the shared electron called?

I believe it is a Dipole , the word itself means like a magnet and di means two.

Which is the force of repulsion between two positively-charged particles?

electric force

An electrostatic attraction between ions is also called an bond?

The electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions forms an ionic bond.

Forces that act on an object at a distance?

Some forces do not involve physical contact between the bodies on which they act. They act through the space between them. Such forces are called Non-Contact Forces or Action-at-a Distance Force. They are of three types, namely, magnetic force, electrostatic force and gravhtational force. Magnetic Force -- The forces which a magnet exerts on iron objects is called magnetic forces. Electrostatic Force -- The force which result due to the repulsion of similar charges or attraction of opposite charges is called electrostatic force. Gravitational force -- The force by which Earth pulls the objects towards its centre is called gravitational force.

What are the strong forces of attraction called between the positive and negative regions of molecules called?

The strong forces of attraction between the positive and negative regions of molecules are called electrostatic forces or electrostatic interactions.