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Cleopatra was important as a powerful female ruler in Egypt, the last of Ptolemy XII's Macedonian dynasty. She was married to Caesar until his assassination.

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Related questions

Why is Cleopatra being the last pharaoh make her important?

Cleopatra was important because she was the last pharaoh. THATS what mad her important. Nothing else.

What important idem did Cleopatra have?

The necklace of Cleopatra

How does Cleopatra feel?

Cleopatra would feel with her hands and fingers just as everyone else.

Who was the most important person to Cleopatra?

Julius Caesar and Mark Antony, were the most important people to Cleopatra.

What is a great topic sentence for Cleopatra?

Cleopatra was an important person in Egypt.

What were Cleopatra's important accomplishments?

Cleopatra only had one important accomplishment and that was only for a brief time when she enlarged her territories to almost the size of her ancestors' holdings. You have to remember that Cleopatra was only a minor queen of a crumbling dynasty. She only came to the attention of the world because of her support of Marc Antony. Most of everything else that is popularly "known" about her is myth and misconception.

What did Cleopatra do in college?

Cleopatra did not go to college. She lived 2082 years ago. College as we think of it was unknown to Cleopatra and anyone else living her her time.

Why was Cleopatra VII exiled?

Cleopatra was exiled in the power struggle with her brother. She was forced to flee Alexandria or else be killed.

What important item is there for Cleopatra?


What are important characteristics about Cleopatra?

I think Cleopatra had important characteristics like the way she cuold speak different languages. also her beauty

Information on Cleopatra's crown?

Cleopatra had a crown which was made out of gold. Not much else was known about it, but people say her crown had a cobra on it.

Is it all right to put a photo of Cleopatra in your house?

Why not? It's your house and if you want a picture of Cleopatra or anyone else for that matter, go for it.