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its probaly because she didnt like him or because he bit her

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Q: Why female parakeet killed her mate?
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Will a male parakeet accept another mate after the female dies?

Normally, yes.

Can a female parakeet have babeys without mating?

No, parakeets must have a mate in order to lay fertilized eggs. If they don't have a mate, the parakeet's eggs will be hatched unfertilized, meaning that they will not carry a baby.

Will a female parakeet be friends with another male if their mate dies?

Yes it can, but in might take time from the bird to get along with its new mate.

Can a parakeet mate with a lovebird?

Yes, we had 2 lovebirds and a parakeet which were all in the same cage. They were all female and one of the lovebirds was the mediator between the other 2. The mediator lovebird passed away and the parakeet and other lovebird get along perfectly.

WHY DID Mother parakeet killed her mate?

it was probability not a good experience if she has had babies before, because it can be painful and she might not want to go through that again.

Can a male parakeet and a female lovebird mate?

I think so- I have a love bird and I see that it will mate with any other bird -parakeet included. However I am not sure if they will lay eggs or if the eggs laid will be fertilized. The genome differrence of the two should be considered and may be that will provide the right answer

Why did a female parakeet kill her mate?

she probability don't want to have baby's if she has had them before because it can be painful and she would remember that, and not want to go through it again.

Can male parakeet mate with female both being in separate cages that are up against each other?

I think the answer would be yes. That is just my opinion.

Do male and female vampires react the same way when their mate is killed?

yes why?

When does a parakeet has babies?

When they mate after 5 weeks or so..