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Across a period , the nuclear charge increases as the number of protons increases.thus the nuclear attraction on the outer shell electron increases so ionization energy should increase across a period .

**Why the first ionization energy of krypton is higher than that of selenium ?

The electron configurations of the last quantum shells of , Se - 4S2 4P4 & Kr- 4S2 4P6.

As Kr has a completely filled outer shell , it needs more energy to remove it' s ooutermost electron than in Se. Also , Kr has the highest nuclear charge in 4th period ,(Kr & Se both are in 4th period ) the nuclear attraction to the outermost electron becoms even high.

Therefore the first ionization energy of krypton is higher than that of selenium .

Hope this s helpful 😊

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Q: Why first ionization energy of krypton is greater than that of selenium?
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What is krypton's ionization energy?

The ionization energy of krypton is 13.99 electronvolts. This is the energy required to remove an electron from a neutral krypton atom to form a positively charged ion.

Which has the larger sixth ionization energy Se or Br?

Selenium (Se) would have a larger sixth ionization energy compared to Bromine (Br) because as electrons are sequentially removed from an atom, it becomes increasingly difficult to remove them due to the stronger positive charge on the remaining ion. Since selenium has a higher atomic number and more protons, it will have a higher ionization energy than bromine.

What does the ionization energy tell you about an element?

Ionization energy is the energy required to remove an electron from an atom. It can provide information about an element's reactivity and ability to form ions. Lower ionization energy indicates easier removal of electrons and greater reactivity, while higher ionization energy means more energy is needed to remove electrons, indicating lower reactivity.

What do we mean by the first second and third ionization energies for a particular atom?

First ionization energy is the energy required to remove the first outermost electron from an atom. The second ionization energy is the energy required to remove the next available electron, and is greater than the first IE. The third IE is that energy needed to remove the third electron, and is greater the the second IE.

Which element's second ionization energy level is large compared to its first ionization energy?


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What is krypton's ionization energy?

The ionization energy of krypton is 13.99 electronvolts. This is the energy required to remove an electron from a neutral krypton atom to form a positively charged ion.

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potassium is greater in the second ionization energy.

Why does bromine have a higher ionization energy than selenium?

Bromine has a higher ionization energy than selenium because bromine has a smaller atomic radius and stronger nuclear charge, making it more difficult to remove an electron from the outer shell. Additionally, bromine's electron configuration (4s2 3d10 4p5) is more stable compared to selenium's (4s2 3d10 4p4), making it require more energy to remove an electron from bromine.

Does the element Br have the highest ionization energy?

Krypton has a higher value.

What has the largest ionization energy in period 4?

The noble gas, krypton

How does the ionization energy of Ne compare to that of Se?

Neon is a much smaller atom than selenium because neon has fewer occupied energy levels so it has a considerably smaller atomic radius. For that reason, it will be more difficult to remove an electron from Ne than Se, so Ne has the greater ionization energy.

Do krypton atoms become ions easily or no?

No, it is a noble element, therefore it has very high ionization energy.

Which has a greater ionization energy beryllium or germanium?

Beryllium has greater ionization energy, with 899 kJ/mol versus Germanium's 762 kJ/mol. The general trend (most prominently displayed in the representative elements) in the periodic table is increasing ionization energy across a period, and decreasing ionization energy down a group.

Which has the larger sixth ionization energy Se or Br?

Selenium (Se) would have a larger sixth ionization energy compared to Bromine (Br) because as electrons are sequentially removed from an atom, it becomes increasingly difficult to remove them due to the stronger positive charge on the remaining ion. Since selenium has a higher atomic number and more protons, it will have a higher ionization energy than bromine.

Why does the second ionization energy of Group 1 Elements greater than the first ionization energy of Group 1 Elements?

It takes more energy to knock off two electrons

What do we mean by the first second third ionization energies for a particular atom?

First ionization energy is the energy required to remove the first outermost electron from an atom. The second ionization energy is the energy required to remove the next available electron, and is greater than the first IE. The third IE is that energy needed to remove the third electron, and is greater the the second IE.

Which is more reactive sodium or barium?

Sodium is more reactive than barium. Sodium is a highly reactive metal that readily reacts with water, while barium is less reactive and typically reacts with acids.