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The noble gas, krypton

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Q: What has the largest ionization energy in period 4?
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What is the trend found in Period 3 on the Periodic Table as the elements increase in atomic number?

1-Atomic size = decreases 2-Ioniztion energy = increases 3-Electronegativity = increases (except Argon) 4-Metallic character = decreases 5-Melting point = first increases then decreases

Why the first ionization energy for sodium is much smaller than the second ionization energy for sodium?

Ionization energy is referred to the amount of energy required to remove an electron from it's nucleus.The first ionization energy refers to the valence electron (the electron on the outer most shell)Blatantly, we can say that is requires less energy to remove valence electrons, rather than electrons in other orbitals, because it is farther away from the proton and therefore take less energy to remove that electron (ionization energy).The large discrepancy between the first and second ionization energies can be accounted for, by some of these factors:- such as shielding: basically the inner most electrons block some of the attractive forces from the nucleus (protons) and the valence electrons therefore have the most electrons blocking for them, because they are "in front" of all of the other electrons, on the outer most shell. Having this energy blocked means they are more free to move about.-Inverse square relationship between the first and Nth (n) shell: I won't write the entire equation but basically:the energy to be removed from the first shell is / by n^2, where n is the shell where the electron is removed from.Hence for the first (n=1) shellIE from 1st/ 1^2 = IE/1 = IE , this means that the energy to be removed from the first shell relative to itself is = which is true. This step is important.However, if we use the second shell (n=2), this is the second ionization energy.IE/2^2 = IE/4 , this means 4Xtimes LESS energy is needed to remove an electron from the second shell compared to the firstand then, if we use the third shell (n=3), which is the valence electron , also the FIRST Ionization energy.IE/3^2 = IE/9 , this means 9Xtimes LESS energy is needed to remove an electron from the third shell compared to the first.Conclusion: if we compare the first and second ionization energies, they are radically different from one another and there's a large discrepancy between the values due to the inverse square relationship between IE from the first energy level to the Nth level.

Which periods have the same number of elements?

Period 4 and period 5 of the periodic table have the same number of elements. There are 18 elements in each period. While some elements in period 4 are calcium, iron, and zinc, elements in period 5 are tin, antimony, and iodine.

How many electron energy levels are in an atom of Calcium?

4 since it is in period 4 of the Periodic Table of Elements

Why is the ionization energy of a sodium atom greater than that of a potassium atom?

Caesium's single outer electron is much further from the nucleus than that of sodium, so caesium loses its valence electron much easily than sodium, therefore caseium is much more reactive than sodium.

Related questions

What element has the highest ionization energy in group 4 of the periodic table?

the nobles gases are the greatest ionization group

What is the second ionization of energy and how does it work?

Imagine that one electron has already been removed from an atom, the energy used to accomplish this is the 1st ionization energy. Now more energy is needed to remove a 2nd electron. That is the 2nd ionization energy.

Which element has the smallest first ionization energy Na K Rb Li?

Lithium has the least number of protons, rubidium has the most number of protons.

What element has the largest atoms period 4?

Atomic radius decreases across a row (increasing positive charge in the nucleus causes electrons in the same energy level to "shrink" into the nucleus due to electrostatic attraction). This means that potassium has the largest atomic radius in period 4.

What is the trend found in Period 3 on the Periodic Table as the elements increase in atomic number?

1-Atomic size = decreases 2-Ioniztion energy = increases 3-Electronegativity = increases (except Argon) 4-Metallic character = decreases 5-Melting point = first increases then decreases

What is the energy level for germanium?

The energy level for germanium is 4. You know its 4 because of the period its in for example: beryllium is in row 2 period 2 so the energy level is 2.

Why is it rare to find a 4 plus ion of carbon?

It is rare to find a 4 plus ion of carbon because of the increasing energy required to ionize carbon. Ionization energy increases with each time.

How does ionization energy change as you move left to right across period 4?

a) it generally increases b) it does not change c) it varies unpredictably d) it generally decreases

The ionization potential IP of hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV The estimated second IP of?

I am not sure if it is possible to get a second electron out from hydrogen, but I know how to get the IP of an electron with quantum state n=2. The equation for the ionization energy in quantum state n is En=E1/(n^2). En is the ionization in quantum state n, E1 is the ground state ionization energy, which is 13.6eV and n is the quantum state. So, if n=2, then the potential is reduced by 1/4, and the IP would be 3.40 eV.

What is meant by''ionization''and ''degree''of ionization?

IONIZATION:-The splitting up of a substance in to a negative and positive ions in it's aqueous solution or in fused form is known as ionization.DEGREE OF IONIZATION:-The extent to which an electrolysis can ionize in water is called it's degree of ionization.Degree of ionization of CH3COOH = 4/1000

What is meant by degree of ionization?

IONIZATION:-The splitting up of a substance in to a negative and positive ions in it's aqueous solution or in fused form is known as ionization.DEGREE OF IONIZATION:-The extent to which an electrolysis can ionize in water is called it's degree of ionization.Degree of ionization of CH3COOH = 4/1000

Why does carbon cannot gain or lose 4 electrons to attain its nearest noble gas configuration?

gain 4 electrons:- Because the energy released (electron affinity) for the addition of four electrons is too high, Lose 4 electrons:- energy required to lose electrons (the sum of the first 4 ionization energies) is too high