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Fructose and glucose are both monosacharides.

Sucrose is a disaccharide containing fru-glu.

Both are sweet, but fructose tastes sweeter per mole.

I believe 2 times greater.

Which is why glucose from corn starch is enzymatically converted to fructose in the production of high fructose corn syrup and sweeteners.

The product will give more sweetness.

The lower amount of sugar you need in your food and beverages to satisfy your sweet taste, the better.

Cheaper and less calories.

The reason why.

Your tongue has sweet receptors.

Fructose has a more optimal structure for binding affinity to the receptor.

Which then elicits a neural response;

impulse travels to brain telling you it is sweet and how sweet.

Other compounds, non-sugars can also bind to the receptor.

e.g. Aspartame (derived from the amino acid asparagine), and some proteins.

They are non- to low caloric and low tooth decay.

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Fructose is a highly concentrated type of sugar. It is sweeter than glucose becomes it comes from fruits and glucose is more of a simple sugar.

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11y ago

Because fructose fits into the sweetness receptors in your tongue more than glucose and your brain thinks it tastes sweeter.

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Why fructose is more sweeter than glucose?

fructose binds to the sweet receptors in the tongue and ellicit neural impulses

Why is fructose syrup used instead of glucose syrup?

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What enzymes are used in slimming foods?

A carbohydrase can be used to convert starch syrup into sugar syrup. An enzyme called isomerase can convert glucose in sugar syrup into fructose syrup. Fructose is much sweeter than glucose. A small amount of fructose in a food can replace a larger amount of glucose without losing the sweet taste. This is useful in preparing slimming food since a small amount of fructose is less fattening than a larger amount of glucose.

How are enzymes used in slimming foods?

A carbohydrase can be used to convert starch syrup into sugar syrup.An enzyme called isomerase can convert glucose in sugar syrupinto fructose syrup. Fructose is much sweeter than glucose.A small amount of fructose in a food can replace a larger amount of glucosewithout losing the sweet taste.This is useful in preparing slimming food since a small amount of fructoseis less fattening than a larger amount of glucose.

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A different between fructose and glucose is that fructose is much sweeter than glucose. Also fructose, when eaten and absorbed, releases its energy slower than glucose and can metabolize without the need of insulin.

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Carbohydrase is the general term for an enzyme that breaks down different types of carbohydrates. Amylase is one that converts starch into glucose. Isomerase can convert glucose into fructose. Fructose has a sweeter taste than glucose and therefore does not need to be used as much. This means that fructose can be used in 'diet' foods as the food will contain less calories.

Is sugar a pure compound?

Not exactly.Everyday sugar is sucrose, which is a disaccharide. That is a sugar which is made up of two sugar units: glucose and fructose. Glucose and fructose are monosaccharide sugars, which are the smallest unit of sugar. Glucose and fructose are both 6-carbon-sugars, or hexoses and have the same chemical formula, C6H12O6. But their molecular structures are different so that they have different properties: fructose is much sweeter than glucose.Sucrose is produced when one molecule each of glucose and fructose combine together in a condensation reaction, a process in which one molecule of water is removed.Thus glucose + fructose => sucrose + wateror C6H12O6 + C6H12O6 = C12H22O11 + H2O

Which is sweeter Xylitol or fructose?

Xylitol is said to be as sweet as sucrose, which is table sugar. I personally find it to be sweeter than that.

What is the process for turning glucose into fructose?

Isomerisation of the glucose, which is an alpha-hydroxy-ketone, into fructose being beta-hydroxy-aldehydes.It is done together with an enzyme: glucose-isomerase and will end up in an equilibrium state when about 50% is converted in fructose (also 50%).This mixture is called:isomerose-syrup or IsoSweet(R) and is sweeter than the same amount of glucose-syrup.High Fructose Corn Steep (HFCS) liquor has up to 65% fructose by special treatment of 1.Without an enzyme the reaction could be carried out in moderate alkaline solution and then also mannose is formed.

What evidence shows that aspartame is sweeter than fructose?

The sweeteness is determined by tests.