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Q: Why goods should be minimally packaged?
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What three questions define the economy of a society?

what goods and services should be produced? How should goods and services be produced? who should get and use the goods and services?

Why is what to produce a problem in every economy?

What to produce?There are two aspects of this problem--- firstly, which goods should be produced, and secondly, what should be the quantities of the goods that are to be produced. The first problem relates to the goods which are to be produced. In other words, what goods should be produced? An economy wants many things but all these cannot be produced with the available resources.Therefore, an economy has to choose what goods should be produced and what goods should not be. In other words, whether consumer goods should be produced or producer goods or whether general goods should be produced or capital goods or whether civil goods should be produced or defense goods. The second problem is what should be the quantities of the goods that are to be produced.Production of goods depends upon the use of resources. Hence, this problem is the problem of allocation of resources. If we allocate more resources for the production of one commodity, the re­sources for the production of other commodities would be less.

Why is to produce a problem in every economy?

What to produce?There are two aspects of this problem--- firstly, which goods should be produced, and secondly, what should be the quantities of the goods that are to be produced. The first problem relates to the goods which are to be produced. In other words, what goods should be produced? An economy wants many things but all these cannot be produced with the available resources.Therefore, an economy has to choose what goods should be produced and what goods should not be. In other words, whether consumer goods should be produced or producer goods or whether general goods should be produced or capital goods or whether civil goods should be produced or defense goods. The second problem is what should be the quantities of the goods that are to be produced.Production of goods depends upon the use of resources. Hence, this problem is the problem of allocation of resources. If we allocate more resources for the production of one commodity, the re­sources for the production of other commodities would be less.

What Three question every economy must answer?

What goods and services will be produced?How will the goods and services be produced?Who will get the goods and services?

What are the three central economic problem?

(i) Which goods should be produced and in how much quantity? (scarcity) (ii) What technique should be adopted for production? (efficiency, PPC) (iii) For whom goods should be produced? (allocation of goods)

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The purpose of Bureau of Standard is to ensure that goods are in saleable condition that is all goods are properly packaged,labeled and that thier weight and measures are accurate.

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No, an aerospace parts manufacturer is not a CPG (Consumer Packaged Goods) company.

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How can food be packaged to ensure the removal of oxygen from the packaged goods?

Step 1: Place food in bag or container. Step 2: Vacuum air from bag container. Step 3: There is no step 3. It's that easy.

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When to throw out packaged condiments?

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