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Graphite has delocalised electrons. It has layer structure (each layer is called graphene). The bonding of the carbons in the layer can be described as sp2 as the bond angles are 120 0. Each C atom has a p orbital perpendicular to the layer that contains a single electron. These p orbitals form pi bonds which spread across the layer.

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Q: Why graphite conduct electricity as other non metals do not?
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Which metals conduct electricity when in solid?

Zinc and other metals

Does carbon conduct electricity?

Graphite (an allotrope of carbon) and graphene does conduct electricity whilst other allotropes of carbon such as diamond do not.

Is it only metals that are conductors?

No, Graphite is also a conductor which is non metal (carbon) other conductors are electrolytes, these are the compounds which become ionized in water and conduct the electricity.

Why do solid and liquid metals conduct electricity?

Graphite, an allotrope of carbon, is classified as a semimetal, that is, a material that shares some of the properties of metals. Many other non-metallic materials conduct electricity; including salts, plasma and some polymers.

What nonmetals conducts electricity?

Various non-metals can conduct electricity, such as graphite. Graphite is an allotrope of carbon, and it has one electron per carbon atom that is delocalized and not involved in chemical bonding, thus it can carry electric charges. Other non-metallic materials like semi-conductors can also conduct electricity to various degrees. Molten and aqueous ionic compounds like sodium chloride also conduct electricity.

What property makes graphite an unusual non metal?

Graphite is an excellent conductor of electricity and heat. Graphite can withstand extremely high temperatures and is not affected by majority of reagents and acids. This property gives graphite uses which are unique and peculiar.

Do tomatos conduct electricity?

Yes but not as well as copper and other metals

How well does zinc conduct electricity?

All metals conduct electricity and heat. Zinc is a good electric conductor and it is also fairly cheap compared to other conducting metals.

Is pencil lead a conductor?

Yes, pencil lead is a conductor of electricity. Lead is a metal. Most metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Assuming of course you mean pencils back when lead was actually used as the writing medium in the pencil, then yes. Other than that, pencils nowadays are made using graphite as the writing medium. But graphite too can conduct electricity.

What are the physical properties of metals non metals and noble gases?

metals conduct heat, transmit electricity, and are usually ductile. non-metals do not conduct heat well, do not transmit electricity and can't be hammered into shapes. noble gases cannot combine with any other elements.

What special property does the non-metal graphite have?

it is lustrous and a good conductor of heat and electricity, as most other non-metals are not. ---------- Some properties of graphite: - anisotropy - hexagonal rhombohedral crystalline structure (for the non-amorphous graphite) - low hardness (1 to 2, Mohs scale) - black color - density: 2-2,25 g/cm3 - practically insoluble - has lubricating property - graphite has many forms, natural or artificial

Does pencil lead conduct electricity?

Pencil lead (aka graphite) DOES conduct electricity. It does this thanks to electron delocalization within the carbon layers. Since the valence electrons are free to move, they are able to conduct electricity.