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Something to do with the free electron it has, that can carry a charge, and also it can ibrate/move

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Q: Why graphite conduct eletricity as it has covant bond?
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Calculate c-c bond length in Graphite?

all C-C bond length in graphite is 1.415 angstrom which agree with the assumption that the bond order in graphite is nearly 1.33

What type of bond is in graphite?


What type of bonding graphite?

Graphite is made of pure carbon atoms. The bond between the C atoms is called a covalent bond.

What type of bonding is graphite?

Graphite is made of pure carbon atoms. The bond between the C atoms is called a covalent bond.

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Does pencil lead conduct electricity?

Pencil lead (aka graphite) DOES conduct electricity. It does this thanks to electron delocalization within the carbon layers. Since the valence electrons are free to move, they are able to conduct electricity.

What non metal objects conduct electricity?

Only eighteen elements in the periodic table are generally considered nonmetals, compared to over eighty metals. Although nonmetals are generally poor conductors of heat and electricity when compared to metals, many of them still can conduct electricity. The metalloid elements (such as Silicon and Germanium) can conduct electricity and are used as semiconductors in electronics. Many generally nonmetal compounds (composed of nonmetals) can also conduct electricity, with gallium arsenide, and silicon carbide being popular components in semiconductors as well.

What bond is involved in graphite's crystal structure?

seeing how it has a CRYSTAL STRUCTURE I would say ionic bond.

What kind of crystalline solid is graphite?

Network solid

Can carbon bond with other carbons?

Yes, it can bond with other cabons . For example, a diamond, graphite (in pencils) and charcoal.

What bond exist between boron and nitrogen?

Covalent Bonding ...these two elements are non metals with a relativelly small difference in electronegativity. The compound is boron nitride, BN which has a structure like graphite, however it is colorless and does not conduct electricity.

Why does carbon graphite conduct electricity and carbon diamond doesn't?

In graphite which consists of fused hexagons of carbon atoms arranged in sheets there is considerable delocalisation of electrons. In diamond the structure is "3 dimensional" with each atom of carbon tetrahedrally surronded by 4 other carbon atoms. The bonding is covalent and the electrons in each bond are localised.