

What causes wear and tear?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Consider rubbing your hand over waxed paper and over sandpaper and you will understand the reason that increased friction causes increased wear. Friction is esentially due to the un-smoothness of surfaces, even though this roughness, in many cases, may be microscopic. Two nearly perfectly smooth surfaces - Teflon on teflon, for instance - will exhibit almost no friction, whereas two very rough surfaces - sandpaper on sandpaper - will exhibit enormous friction.

The rougness, or raised bits of each surface cut into the other surface with the softer surface wearing away more quickly than the harder surface. Sandpaper on wood, for example, will wear away the wood surface first, but eventually the sandpaper itself will be worn to the point where it is no longer effective. This is an extreme example of friction, but it works the same on a microscopic level - say for instance the friction between an automobile's brake pad and the rotor, both of which, to the eye, appear quite smooth.

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